Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Changes in Mid-level abstraction and segmentation. Change in line file data model...

We have decided to change the way we are handling the mid-level abstractions for the program. We have ditched the idea of trying to derive our own segments arbitrarily, and opted for a method that will hopefully allow well-defined segments with a better way to select/block segments of hallway.

What we have decided to do is incorporate hallway polygons into our displaying layers that will define segments of the hallway. These segments have already been defined, and are derived from the CAD files. Each of these polygon segments (see Fig.1), and their corresponding line files will be labeled with a "SEGMENT_ID" that determines which segment a hallway line file belongs to.

These well-defined hallway polygons will also be used to allow the end user to select large "chunks" of hallway and block them off, or view more detail about a particular one. The problem we were facing before was defining hallway segments, and which corresponding line segments from the line files to include.

Due to this change in our abstraction method I have changed the Data Model for the line files that correspond to each building level.

The new model includes the following attributes:


Figure 1:

This screenshot details the hallway segmentation that we will be using, the selected area is a well-defined segment.