Friday, March 13, 2009

CoreLocation Integration in mobile application

Today I have been reading through the documentation for the CoreLocation Framework in the iPhone OS. This framework allows you determine the users location and users the CoreLocationManager interface. This interface allows user defined accuracy, distance travelled, altitude, and error.

This feature should be a useful addition to the mobile application if we can incorporate it into the program effectively. I think that if we can provide a interface and a way for the user to see their location it will make the application much more usable.

For the time being, I have written a simple program that tests out the CoreLocation framework by pulling latitude, longitude, altitude, and their errors. Below is a screenshot of that application.

This is another example of why the iPhone simulator doesn't let you test all aspects of your application. As soon as I am able to test this on a real device, I should get correct results that I can check for errors.

I have also been going through more SDK documentation to see what other things I can add to make my program more usable. I hope that I can implement some more features that use the iPhones accelerometer, web browser, and possible other features.

I will be returning to Charlotte tomorrow, and that should allow me to talk with Jianfei in order to implement our code to read building geometry. I will post progress regarding this next week.

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