Thursday, February 14, 2008

Geometric Networks and Arc C++ SDK

Geometric Networks

Dr. Lee has an interesting paper about the 3D data model for representing relationships of urban features, it can be found here:

Another interesting paper about Transportation networks in ArcGIS can be found here:

It seems that ArcGIS has the functionality to create topologically related geometric networks, but only on the 2D scale. There are also network analysis tools integrated into ArcGIS that can provide such functions as "find path" that will allow us to minimize the amount of code that we have to write to get our system working.

Implementation can be done either by creating a new geometric network or making one from an existing file. For our application, it will probably be done by starting from scratch.

Here is a screen shot detailing the functionality of the Analyst:


I have installed the SDK on the computer I have been using in the VIS lab, it has an Object Browser, GUID generator, and library search tools. This should prove useful when interfacing with C++ or any other programming language.

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