Saturday, January 24, 2009

Centerline Extraction for Convex Polygons

Jianfei has been working on the center line extraction for polygons which will serve as the routes in our building files. This will hopefully allow us to fully automate the pathways creation inside of buildings if we are able to accoplish the automation effectively.

From email from Jianfei Liu on January 21st, 2009:

I extracted centerlines from convex polygons this week. Snapshots are some results. For the concave polygon, it just needs a little extension to my existing framework. The current framework can handle certain concave cases except for one situation I neglected. I decided to design a more robust evaluation model to determine the polygon's type. In the results, the sphere means the vanishing point and the centerline is represented as the yellow line. In certain cases, the centerline is just one point.

Below are the snapshots from the centerline extraction from the above email:

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