Saturday, January 24, 2009

Project Progress update 1/24/2009

This week I have been able to acquire the CAD data files for the College of Education at UNCC. I have been through the process of "cleaning" up these data files for use in our database and for our automation program. This process allowed me to delete and filter out all polygons and other bits of data that were either erroneous or not useful. After this was finished I was able to take each floor and geo-reference it to the base map in order to put it in the correct coordinate system for this project.

The current building files are now located in our GIS database as spatial data files that have been converted from shapefiles. They are now in the proper format to be read by Jianfei's automated centerline program to make paths inside the building.

Other things that have been done are: setting up and test the new version of Postgresql on my Windows box. This has allowed me to install the pgPhoneHome iPhone web application that will allow us to mainipulate our database from the iPhone. This will hopefully provide a first step in our mobile application.

I have also come across a useful project called FeatureServer. It is basically a implementation of a RESTful Geographic Information feature service. I will be posting more information about this service and all of the details in a later blog post.

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